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How to ease flu and cold symptoms

Influenza or common cold can quickly infect the body unexpectedly. It occurs when the immune body system is declining, sleep deprivation, not eating regularly, eat foods with lack nutritious, and drinking less water.

Therefore, to cope with Flu you must boost / enhance your immunity so the body wiil be able to fight the virus and relieve cold and flu symptoms that make you not comfortable.

Tips to ease flu and cold symptoms:

Take adequate rest

If you are busy working or doing activities that you like,  very often people will forget to rest and stayed up late every night even though they had to get up early the next day. But when your body experience flu and cold symptoms such as sore throat, fever and runny nose, then you have to take a long rest (sleeping). If possible, you could ask permission so you don't have to go to work / school. And even if you aren't sleeping, just laying down and relax will surely help to ease or relieve the pain caused by flu.

Drink plenty of water

ease flu and cold symptoms
This method is simple and often underestimated, but the efficacy is really effective. By having an adequate amount of water; your body will have a chance to fight some flu symptoms such as sore throat, headache, or nasal congestion.

If you feel sick when drinking so much water, try adding some lime juice. You should also drinking hot water with a little lemon juice that will loosen nasal congestion and relieve abdominal bloating.

Lemon and honey

Experiencing sore throat, and the voices started to disappear? Take a glass of hot water and insert lemon slices and two tablespoons of honey. Drink it while its hot. Before resting, suck lozenge tablets to relieve sore throat (Lozenge tablet can be purchased at a pharmacy). In addition, to improve body immunity you could prevent cold or influenza by  consuming iron supplements and vitamin C.

Gargling with Salt Water

Bothered by the sputum in the throat? Gargle with salt water will help. This is due to the saline solution can draw excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, thus making it feel too sore. Gargling also will thin the condensed mucus, which can remove irritants like allergens, bacteria, and fungi from the throat. In order to start applying this habit, try to pour half a teaspoon of salt in warm water, in a medium-sized glass. After that, gargle for a few seconds.

Eat chicken soup

The traditional recipe that encourage eating chicken soup when you have the flu turned out to not just make a comfortable feeling. Because the ingredients in chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory substances that prevent the spread of neutrophils into the respiratory tract.

Neutrophil themselves are white blood cells that can cause inflammation as fever. Chicken soup inhibits the production of mucus, and the warmth of the steam launch of the nasal cavity that will ease flu and cold symptoms. In addition, the content of garlic and ginger are very effective to relieve nasal and warm our body.


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