Having a slim waist and flat stomach will make your confidence high and make you looks attractive. You can do these easy tips to get a slim waist and flat stomach.
1. Perform crunches 50 times per day. Do it with properly by lie in on the floor with your legs straight and hands on the side. Then, bend knees about 90 degrees with your feet stay on the floor. Lift your shoulders up until your abdominal muscles stretch, but remember to keep your butt stay on the floor.
2. Adjust your eating patterns. Choose complex carbohydrates (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, corn) rather than simple carbohydrates (white rice, bread, instant noodles, chicken porridge). Tips Tricks recommend that you don't eat dinner after 6 pm so your digestive system has a chance to digest the food longer.
3. Don't forget to consume vegetables and fruits in your daily diet so your body gets enough fiber, vitamins, and enzymes.
4. Avoid eating avocado, pickles, cheese, and legumes. Because these foods will release gas when digested in the body and make your stomach bloated.
5. Stay away from soft drinks, dairy products, and foods with high concentration in salt.
6. Reduce foods that contain gluten, such as bread and pasta because gluten acts as a developer and make your stomach tubby.
7. Perform a leisurely stroll. In order to reduce body fat and having a slim waist and flat stomach, you can do a leisurely stroll for 1 miles a day. Because if you do a leisurely stroll for 30-60 minutes during the week, the overall body fat will decrease drastically.
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